Progressive Arnis/ Kali/ Escrima
Arnis/ Kali/ Escrima These three words describe the highly reformed martial art of the Philippines. This art is excellent for those interested in real life self-defense; this is both easy to learn and fun to practice. Arnis utilizes knifes as well as single and double 28 inch rattan sticks.
One of Bruce Lee's Martial Arts was Arnis/ Kali/ Escrima
Arnis class at 8th street on the on the beach. Starts 5pm.
Above: Guro/ SIfu Chad Bailey's Progressive Arnis training classes taught from 5 - 7pm Monday Wednesday and Thursday in front of the South Beach 8th Street Life Guard Stand "on the beach!!!" $15 per class
Alejanda demostrating arm bar application combined with a rear leg sweep. Technique name: "Sapu-Dalem"
Left: Chad Bailey and -Master Bapak Willem ("Uncle Bill") De Thouars- Born in Java, Indonesia in 1936 of Dutch-Indonesian heritage, Uncle
Bill began studying martial arts at the age of 5 under a Chinese
Taoist priest named Liem Ping Wan whom had immigrated to Java and
began to teach him Kun Tao. Shortly thereafter the Japanese invaded as
WW2 was underway. Uncle Bill's teacher was killed and this child was
put in to an internment camp until the end of the war. He was then
reunited with his family where he continued his studies of Kun Tao and
his family art of Serah, a style of Silat which dates back over 300
years. He then took it upon himself to study other forms Kun Tao and
Silat under some of the world's top masters. Uncle Bill has also spent
time as a Dutch Merchant Marine. Throughout his life he has studied
many different arts including Pa Kua, Tai Chi Chaun, Karate, Jiu
Jitsu, Boxing and Fencing to name a few. He came to the U.S. in the
mid 1960's and trained with the likes of Bruce Lee, Dan Inosanto, Ed
Parker, Ark Yuey Wong, Al Dacascos and others. He was recently
featured in the May edition of Black Belt magazine.
Right: Sifu/Guro Chad Bailey and Grand Master Cacoy Canete -Doce Pares Ciriaco Canete BiographyThe legendary Ciriaco "Cacoy" Canete of Cebu Philippines is a prominent, internationally known martial artist who travels the globe to share, teach and demonstrate his martial art skills to others. Currently the Grandmaster promotes his art for self-defense, sport and personal well-being. "Cacoy" Canete is the last surviving member and the only 12th degree black belt and the highest ranking member of the fame Doce Pares Eskrima Club. He started Eskrima at age 7 under the oldest of eight, brother "Momoy". Now 85 years old, Grandmaster Canete's list of achievements is extensive.
Above: Chad teaching and empty hand knife disarm. Above: Chad, James, and Valentina demonstrating multiple locks, breaks and leverage principles .
P.S. These same moves can also be used as massage leverage techniques to alleviate stress tension and pain in any given area when the love . . intension is applied.
Alejandra Palau & Shane Antonella Giannantonio & Shane
after an Arnis exhibition. 2/20/2008 Practicing and Arnis flow drill,
called Hubud. 1/10/2004
International Modern Arnis Federation 2/20/2000 in Orlando FL.
Above: Great Grand Master Remy Presas and Shane Molinaro at the
International Modern Arnis Federation Family Picture 2/20/2000
Shane and Master Instructor demonstrating Stick fighting
flow drill.